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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 09:44



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 09:23

Sydney Carton is a deep love for brief and noble, the rich and selfless love is, Sydney Carton for Lucy's happiness at the expense of precious lives. Live as long as my happiness in this world, and that they do not worry about him. Sydney Carton It is with this simple and meet the aspirations not sorry and distressed-brief happiness, and he would not let his disappointment that brief. Sydney Carton is a noble personality, we can have this great love.
A Tale of Two Cities was found during the Dickens of a mature realism works, it is a magnificent history, it's a touching story, it is a pure and noble love. Many of the book brimming with color, shine upon by the then era atmosphere. The author used a series of fascinating stories as a footbridge aircraft, and to describe the effects of the French Revolution, the achievements and mistakes, and leading character Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay and brief Manentte between the sincere feelings become a major point.
Very often, people have to give up a lot of things, because we have another thing to give up some of what we deserve. For example, to protect people want done, pending the achievement of the dream. In the "Cities", I can feel the love Sydney Carton. That detachment secular love, has developed to a new realm. Sydney Carton believe that their departure would allow all happy together. Happiness through his quiet voice heard, accompanied by his soul, love never cold. He used all his challenges to the dark world, he received a real bright, and a love for the ordinary people understand the sacrifice sleep.
Guo Department of love, warm as in spring

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 09:17

1.Sydney Carton对Lucie的爱情是深厚而崇高的,这份爱情的博大和无私在于,Sydney Carton为露西的幸福牺牲了宝贵的生命。只要爱人幸福的活在这个世界上,自己就可以了无牵挂。Sydney Carton正是怀着这样简单而满足的愿望,没有难过和忧伤的观望Lucie的幸福,他知道Lucie不会让自己失望。Sydney Carton有着高尚的人格,这份爱情也有着我们难以想象的伟大。
A Tale of Two Cities是狄更斯一部成熟的现实主义作品,它是一部波澜壮阔的历史,它一个感人肺腑的故事,它是一种纯洁而高尚的爱。全书充溢着扑朔迷离的色彩,映照了当时的时代气息。作者用一连串引人入胜的故事作为杠架,细致地描写了法国大革命的前因后果,成就和错误,而主人公Sydney Carton、Lucie Manentte and Charles Darnay之间的真挚的情感成为一大亮点。
很多时候,一个人都是要放弃很多东西的,因为必定有另外一样东西值得我们去放弃一些什么。比如,想要保护的人,想要完成的事情,等待实现的梦想。在《双城记》中,我能感受到Sydney Carton的爱情。那种超脱世俗的爱情,已经升华到一个新的境界。Sydney Carton相信,自己的离去可以让所有人都快乐的在一起。他在安静中听到幸福驶过的声音,有他的灵魂的陪伴,爱人永远都不会寒冷。他用他的一切向黑暗的世界挑战,他得到的是真正的光明,以及一种常人难以理解的为爱牺牲的甜蜜。
2.Sydney Carton is a deep love for brief and noble, the rich and selfless love is, Sydney Carton for Lucy's happiness at the expense of precious lives. Live as long as my happiness in this world, and that they do not worry about him. Sydney Carton It is with this simple and meet the aspirations not sorry and distressed-brief happiness, and he would not let his disappointment that brief. Sydney Carton is a noble personality, we can have this great love.
A Tale of Two Cities was found during the Dickens of a mature realism works, it is a magnificent history, it's a touching story, it is a pure and noble love. Many of the book brimming with color, shine upon by the then era atmosphere. The author used a series of fascinating stories as a footbridge aircraft, and to describe the effects of the French Revolution, the achievements and mistakes, and leading character Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay and brief Manentte between the sincere feelings become a major point.
Very often, people have to give up a lot of things, because we have another thing to give up some of what we deserve. For example, to protect people want done, pending the achievement of the dream. In the "Cities", I can feel the love Sydney Carton. That detachment secular love, has developed to a new realm. Sydney Carton believe that their departure would allow all happy together. Happiness through his quiet voice heard, accompanied by his soul, love never cold. He used all his challenges to the dark world, he received a real bright, and a love for the ordinary people understand the sacrifice sleep.
Guo Department of love, warm as in spring
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