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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 10:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 03:41

(1) It was a formal dinner, so I joint it with formal attire as my mom told me.

(2) His girlfriend advises him to get rid of the bad habbit of smoking before it takes hold.

(3) They anticipated that the demand of electricity in next several months will be massive, so they decided to increase the production.

(4) It is said that Bill was fired because he repeately violated the safety regulation of company.

(5) It is reported that local government has take suitable measures to avoid the possibility of severe water shortage.

(1) Half hour went by, but the last bus had not came, so we had to walk home.

(2) Mary looks worry about the Chinese test for she has not learn the text by heart.

(3) Since the basketball game is postponed, we might as well vist the mesuem.

(4) He had lived with his parents in Australia all the way of the Second World War.

(5) From I graduated from Nanjing University till now, I have kind of losing touch with my college classmates.

(1) Just as the scientists predicted, global pollution becomes one of the most serious problems that human facing.

(2) The competition of seeking these jobs is fierce-applicants in this year is fivefold more than in last year.

(3) Just as the fact shows, Education outlines should fit into the financial development plan of country.

(4) This car burns too much gas, moreover, its price is almost twice as much as I expected.

(5) For understand the important international ecents, we must firstly consider its historc and political background.

(1) I am not sure where you can a good carpenter-you would better ask around.

(2) He embarrassed, so he cleared his throat and looked up the picture on the wall.

(3) Michael passed away, survived his wife, Elizabeth, two daughters and three sons.

(4) As a financial economist, he proposes us to invest the stock market.

(5) Us retailers are not able to compete with supermarket in price, slaes and other respects.

(1) Before, I went to the college, those wisdom words which my grandfather told me impressed me.

(2) Do not tell my injury to my parents, I will be grateful to you for it.

(3) Some of our colleagues formulated some sensible suggestions of improving the working environment.

(4) Under the pressure of union, managemnet agreed to pay 10% more of salary to workers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 03:40

1. It was a formal dinner. I wore my tuxedo there just as what my mother told me.
2. is girlfriend advises him to get rid of the bad habbit of smoking before it takes hold.
3. They have anticipated the power cosumption will grow in the next few months, so they decided to increase production.
4. It is said that Bill was fired due to he always violated company security policy.
5. According to report, the local government has take proper actions to avoid severe water shortage.

1. It had went by half an hour before the shuttle bus come. We had to walk home.
2. It seems that Mary is worrying about her Chinese exam since she has not learned the texts by heart.
3. Since the basketball match has been postponed, we may as well visit the museum.
4. He lived with his parents in Australia all the way during the World War II.
5. You can say that I have kind of lost touch with my college classmates since graduated from Nanjing University in 1985.

1. As scientists predicted, global pollution has become one of the most servere problems for human beings.
2. The competition of this position is very fierce -- there are five times applicants this year compare with last year.
3. As the fact shows, syllabus should fit into the country economy development plan.
4. This car burns too much gas and the price is almost twice moreover than I'd like to pay.
5. To understand an important international affair, we need consider the historical and political background first.

1. I'm not sure where you can find a good carpenter -- you'd better to ask around.
2. He felt a little embarrassed. So he cleared his throat at once and raised his head to look at the picture on the wall.
3. Michael passed away and left three sons, two daughters and his wife Elizabeth to survive.
4. As a financial expert, William suggested us to invest in stock market.
5. Retailers like us cannot compete with supermarkets in price and sales.

1. The words my grandfather passed to me befor I went to college leaves me very deep impression.
2. I'll be really grateful to you if you can hide my condition of an injury to my parents.
3. Some of my colleagues proposed sensible suggestions of improvement on working envrionment.
4. Under the pressure of labour union, management agreed to increase 10% salary for workers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 03:37

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