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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 10:28



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 10:21

U.S. time the afternoon of February 13, All-Star game in Phoenix the weekend officially kicked off, with the exception of some basketball-related activities, NBA care is the most important of these players, one of the community activities. Earlier in the day, round-table in the All-Star after the 24 All-Star players分兵three-way, to carry out caring activities NBA. In the Cesar Chavez Community School, NBA commissioner David Stern, Paul Pierce basketball maestro, O'Neill had come to participate in the labor scene. Activities at the scene from the three young people in China, Yao Ming, Sun Yue and the "Tsingtao boys" Wu understanding of the "Trident", has become the focus of media attention.
A reporter at the scene asked David, "NBA to participate in care activities and to teaching the differences between the affected areas," David said: "Whether the disaster areas in Sichuan, China is still here, I have concern for those who love him. As a volunteer, I hope Kitagawa we love is not a day, a while, but as the NBA like this, as always, continuous care and help. "

NBA when it comes to intimate contact with the feelings of the first day, the David emotion: "The passion just like Tsingtao, NBA is full of passion and self-confidence. I believe that this, under the influence of passion, a strong child hit a certain be able to rebuild their homes! "

Activities Wu and Yao Ming, Sun Yue and forged a profound friendship. 16:00 am towards the end, Wu Dawei conveyed kitagawa the two children the blessings of the Chinese basketball star and said the next day NBA "China Night" dinner meeting will be with them, but also to the NBA All-Star Game Yao Ming at the scene for refueling

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 10:25

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