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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 10:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:17

I don't like my job, I thought for a long time, but still can't find out a little like reason.

I will handle all about office all day, these trifles of errands keep bothering me for a moment, my colleagues like disabled, as I write, express also wants to work for me is a kind of burden.

The boss is a stingy, bad-tempered make people sick people every day, and he asked me to compared to the others early to the company, also said he would have been supervision and me.

Overtime without money, plus live without money.

I really hate my job.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:19

I don't like my job, I would like to for a long time, but I still can't find a little like reasons. i'll handle all of the Office of chores, such trifles all day and kept on bothering me, my colleagues would like the disabled, express my work is a burden for Me. The boss is a mean and bad temper disgusting person, He asked me a day earlier than others, ltd., also said that he will continue to supervise me. Overtime without money and live without money. I really hate my work.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:13

I don't like my job . I have long been searching my head for any possible reason for its enjoyment,but i find none. i have to deal with all the chores in the office, which pester me from hour to hour. My colleagues act as if they were disabled, so even the delivery notes I have to write out. Work is really a kind of burden to me , The boss is truly a disgusting guy, both stingy and bad-tempered. He tells me to arrive at the company every day earlier than the others , saying he will always keep an eye on me for that. Working overtime without money and adding work amount without payment.Truly, I hate my work.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:12

I don't like my job, I thought for a long time, but still can't find out a little like reason. I will handle all about office all day, these trifles of errands keep bothering me for a moment, my colleagues like disabled, as I write, express also wants to work for me is a kind of burden. The boss is a stingy, bad-tempered make people sick people every day, and he asked me to compared to the others early to the company, also said he would have been supervision and me. Overtime without money, plus live without money. I really hate my job.
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