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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 11:20



热心网友 时间:2天前

Shanxi is a has a long history and the humanities ceremony, has the rich historic and cultural sites of place, known as "China's ancient cultural museum" reputation. As early as 1.8 million years ago, when the first west of people with the fire of history, 200000 years ago DingCunRen writing out the old Stone Age chapter. Today, architecture, sculpture and murals, cave, ancient city and residential art characteristics, cultural relics all over the province, the existing ancient paintings of 24000 square meters. 70% of the country before the yuan dynasty timberwork building and eighty percent of opera cultural relics are stored in here, national units of cultural relics protection in 271, accounting for 11.5% of the country's, in China's crown.
In recent years, increasing cultural construction force in Shanxi Province, shanxi grand theater, new library of Shanxi Province, and a number of symbolic culture

热心网友 时间:2天前


热心网友 时间:2天前

Along with its long history, Shanxi province has been celebrated as Museum of China's Ancient Culture for its aboundance of talents of letters and places of historical interests. It's as early as 1.8 million years ago that the ancient habitants Xihoudu came to make use of fire for the first time and 200 thousand years ago that the villager of the town Ding ushered in the old stone age. Nowadays, distinct artistic feature can be found in various architectures, colorized sculptures, frescoes, grottoes, ancient cities and residences. Cultural relics and historical remains can be seen everywhere across Shanxi, among which the area of existing ancient frescoes amounts to 24 thousand square meters. Shanxi boasts 70% of the total wooden architectures nationwide built before Yuan dynasty and 80% of the local opera heritages. It comes to the first with up to 271 national protected cultural units, or 11.5% of the total in China.
In recent years, Shanxi constantly reinforced the development of culture by building up a series of typical cultural complex such as Shanxi Grand Theatre and New Venue of Shanxi Library. Its cultural industry is embarking on a promising road with ever-increasing strength. Shanxi regards its culture as a gold mine to explore and tap, which is much more fertile and valuable than its coal mine which it is well-known for. Undoubtedly Shanxi will be booming in both culture and economy in the future.
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